• Optimizing Your Cloud Strategy: The Cultural Dimension – Lessons From the Recent Past and Why DevOps Is Essential for Cloud Success. When we encounter a new and disruptive technology such as the cloud, it is natural to try and build a playbook from scratch on… Read more

    The post Cloud strategy’s cultural dimension: Why DevOps is essential for cloud success appeared first on DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA).

    Jetzt Schulungen und Weiterbildungen zu Themen wie Software Testing und Software Architektur-Qualität (ISTQB®, iSAQB®), Business Analyse und Requirements Engineering (BCSIREB®) und Agiles Vorgehen (ScrumSAFeScaled Agile Framework) buchen. Neben Trainings in ProzessqualitätProzessmanagement (Lean Six Sigma) sowie Change Management und Projektmanagement finden sich Schulungen für unsere Tool-Partner Atlassian (Jira XRayJira Server,  Confluence), Tricentis ToscaSelenium und Micro Focus (ALMUFT).